This article was originally published on August 12, 2016. It has been updated to reflect current shower remodeling trends.
In Orange County, bathroom remodeling often includes a complete shower makeover. Once novel additions, benches and niches now come standard. Frameless glass, hexagon tile, and lighted mirrors feature prominently these days. Whether you are remodeling the entire bathroom or just looking to update the bathing facilities, here are some shower remodeling ideas to inspire you.
Popular Shower Remodeling Styles
Glass galore! Orange County shower remodeling projects include loads of glass in 2025. Frameless glass makes showers and rooms look larger.
With the rise in popularity of separate soaking tubs, frameless glass showers allow the shower and tub areas to blend seamlessly.
Some showers include two heads but no door!
This Roman shower keeps the spray from the two shower heads contained without the use of additional glass for a door. This shower remodel creates a space that is easier to maintain while providing a classic look. Make sure your shower remodeling project considers maintenance!
Shower Hardware
The selection of shower hardware does more than just deliver water for cleaning. It contributes to the spa experience. Multiple shower heads, additional shower jets, and handheld showerheads offer a car wash-like experience when showering!
Remember your shower hardware selection is just part of your bathroom hardware. Bathroom hardware accessorizes the room just as fashion accessories finish an outfit.
There are two design schools of thought when it comes to bathroom hardware. One approach is that all hardware must match in finish and style for a unified look. Other designers like the appeal of mixing and matching hardware finishes and styles to provide contrast.
The shower head doesn’t need to match the sink faucet, but the metals and styles should coordinate. If you like the mix-and-match approach, hardware can be one place to add a pop of color to a room that is otherwise monochromatic.
Steam Showers![steam bath]()
Yearning for a steam shower? A bathroom remodel offers a great opportunity to incorporate a steam shower into your design. Steam showers are trendy now but they have their roots in ancient Rome.
Steam bathing is incredibly eco-friendly. A 20-minute steam shower uses only 2 gallons of water! Just compare that to how much water even the stingiest water-saving shower head uses.
Since a steam shower requires room for the generator, the best time to convert a conventional shower to a steam shower is during a remodel. Modern steam showers heat up quickly and can also be plumbed to deliver cold water to the same shower stall; combining the best of both shower worlds.
Get Inspired by the Shower Remodel Experts
Need more inspiration? Call on the shower remodel experts at Inspired Remodels. They’ve been helping Orange County homeowners convert remodeling dreams into reality for years.
Inspired Remodels offers full service, design/build general contractor services. This means they work with you every step of the way. From the initial consultation, through design, and then demo and renovation you will work with one firm. No worry about hassling with subcontractors for different trades. Your project manager will take care of anything. We understand that any remodeling to your home is stressful and we take care to minimize the stress.
Check out our portfolio of bathroom and shower remodeling jobs for even more inspiration then call (949) 716-1938 and schedule an appointment for a consultation.