If you are remodeling your kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, or any other room in your house it pays to work with a design-build remodeling contractor. It is much more efficient, reduces the chances of communication errors, and makes for a smoother experience. Here’s why.
Traditional Model
With the traditional model, you would hire a designer to create your design. This person would work with you to come up with the floor plan, layout, finishes, and fixtures associated with the remodel. They would come up with specifications and turn the job over to you. The designer or planner may or may not be able to make recommendations for a contractor to do the work. They may or may not be willing to manage the work. Commonly, you take the architectural plans, find your contractor, and supervise the job. If there is any question about materials or the plan, the contractor lets you know, you check with the designer and then get back with the contractor.
This isn’t the easiest or most efficient way to do the job. But it does give you the benefit of the services of an experienced designer.
Design Build Model
With a design-build model, the contractor provides design services. The contractor has a person on staff who works with you to create your design. You sit down with your idea book and the designer listens to how you want to use the space as well as your wants and needs. The designer then works with you to create a plan that incorporates what you want out of the space with the budget you have established.
Once the designer is finished the plans are turned over to the build portion of the company. The general contractor brings in the necessary materials and subcontractors to do the work. If there is a question about the plan, communication is easy because the contractor and designer are not only on the same team, they work for the same company.
This model reduces homeowner stress. It also improves communication. Design-build increases the probability that the job will be completed on time and budget.
Work with a Professional Remodeling Contractor
No matter which approach you take, work with a professional remodeling contractor. A professional remodeling contractor knows what permits must be pulled, has relationships with professional tradesmen, carries liability insurance, and is licensed by the State of California.
A professional won’t burn you on your kitchen remodel or leave you underwater with a bathroom do-over. Most of the horror stories you hear are the result of working with unlicensed contractors, so hire a pro.
Inspired Remodels is Orange County’s Design Build Remodeling Contractor![Inspired Logo]()
Get Inspired from Floor to Ceiling
Want the best for your next bathroom or kitchen remodel? Hire the best. Hire Inspired Remodels. Joe and Jason Mueller will sit down with you to discuss your project. They turn your dream into reality. They craft kitchens that function as well as they look, bathrooms and bedrooms that provide a retreat, custom cabinets, and fabulous fireplaces. Whether you need one room or a whole house, Inspired Remodels is up to the task. Just check out what their clients have to say on Yelp. Then call (949) 716-1938 and schedule your appointment today.