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Inspired Remodels

Orange County Home Improvement Contractor Creates Fabulous Fireplaces

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Fall is most certainly here. With temperatures falling, you might be thinking about cozying up to the fire. Did you know that fireplaces have design trends just like all elements of home decor? They do! And whether you have a gas or wood burner, Inspired Remodels is the Orange County home improvement contractor that can update your fireplace. Keep the chill at bay while relaxing by your fabulous fireplace. Here’s some ideas to get you inspired.

Natural Finishes

Nothing looks warmer than the natural look of brick or stone. These materials harken back to when fire was essential to keeping the house warm and food cooked. These days, stacked stone is the perfect fusion of modern look with classic material. No matter the tone, you are sure to get a warm, natural look.

home improvement contractor adds light color stacked stone to update fireplace

Stacked stone fireplace surround – light palette


Stacked stone in gray palette

The same materials that provide a modern look to these fireplaces can also be used when you want a rustic feel. Note the raised hearth, always a popular design.

home improvement contractor gets rustic look fireplace with stacked stone

Rustic Look with stacked stone

Marvelous Mantels

The mantel can be a focal point for the fireplace or the perfect accent. Like a string of pearls sets off a little black dress, a mantle is the finishing touch. Whether it holds a collection of keepsakes or carefully staged artwork, a mantel is essential if you want a fabulous fireplace. One of the latest trends is to create a classic look by integrating the mantle with the fireplace trim.

Classic Mantle

Whether its classic Grecian or traditional Federalist, the integrated mantle is a trend with legs (pun intended). This design will still look fresh in 10 years.

Another Take on a Classic

The mantle can also be designed to coordinate with existing woodwork and pull together custom cabinetry. These built-ins and mantle go together like peas and carrots or chocolate and peanut butter. If you wanted to mount a flat screen television over this fireplace, the cabinetry would be perfect for hiding the cable box or DVR.

However, if your taste trends minimalist, you should consider the floating mantle. It honors the original mantle. That’s because the mantle originated as a chimney-piece that projected over the fire to collect smoke. They were a focal point of the fireplace. Like their ancestors, floating mantles provide the focal point.

Floating Mantle

The contrast of white on gray makes this floating mantle the focal point of the fireplace.

This Home Improvement Contractor Knows Fireplaces

When it’s time to select a home improvement contractor to update your fireplace, make sure you pick a contractor that understands both the form and function of the fireplace. For example, mounting a flat screen TV above the fireplace requires consideration of viewing angle (LCDs need to be viewed straight on) and temperature as well as using special hardware.  A real pro knows this.

You also want to make sure your fireplace is safe. Pick a home improvement contractor that is comfortable working with your fuel-style (woodburning or gas log).

Don’t play with fire, contact Inspired Remodels at (949) 716-1938 to schedule your consultation.