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Orange County Flooring Contractor Shares 3 Ways Hard Floors are Better

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Flooring for your home represents a significant financial outlay. Anytime you spend that much money, you want to know you are getting the best product for your home and health. So what floors are the best? Hard flooring in any form is the healthiest choice. Inspired Remodels, a popular Orange County flooring contractor shares why hard floors make the healthiest homes.

cat sitting on carpet

A cat and carpet together are not a good idea

Reason 1 – Hard Flooring Reduces Allergens

Hard floors make healthier floors because they reduce the number of allergens in your home. Place carpets and rugs on your floors and install allergen magnets.

Textile flooring collects dust, pollen, molds, dust, dust mites, and pet allergens. Then, each time a person walks on the carpet or rug, their feet send a cloud of allergens up into the air. Even if you run HEPA air cleaners, you aren’t going to collect all the allergens.

Orange County flooring contractor installs wood look tile in kitchenThat allergen cloud wafts up to sensitive noses and soon there’s sneezing, wheezing, coughing, and watery eyes. Textile flooring might be a good look for the floor, but it’s not a good look for your health.

And these days, everybody is concerned about health.

Wood, stone, and tile flooring refuse to collect allergens. They just won’t do it. That’s because they are easy to clean. This leads us to reason number 2.

Hard floors and cats are a better idea

Reason 2 – Hard Flooring is Easy to Keep Clean

Hard floors provide no place for dirt or allergens to hide. Unlike textile flooring with fibers, nooks, and crannies, hard flooring offers a smooth surface.

Whether you vacuum or damp mop, you’ll remove the dirt. Where vacuuming carpets sends dust flying, vacuuming hard floors with a horsehair brush dislodges dust without making it airborne.

Carpeting represents multiple layers of textiles. Not only does the carpet collect dirt, but dirt falls between the fibers to the padding underneath. Face it, you are never going to clean that padding. You can pay someone to clean your carpet, but it won’t really be clean. And, the padding stays dirty.

Clean a wood, tile, or stone floor and it is really clean. And it will stay clean longer provided you remove your shoes before coming inside.

Orange County flooring contractor installs bamboo flooring

Reason 3 – Hard Flooring Improves Planet Health

For the most part, textile flooring comes from synthetic materials. These materials are carbon-based. Oil and minerals are extracted, refined, processed, and spun to create fibers. It consumes vasts amounts of energy and isn’t renewable.

Compare that with bamboo flooring. Bamboo flooring provides the most eco-friendly option in hard flooring. Any Orange County flooring contractor in the know knows that bamboo beats other hardwoods when it comes to hardness. Bamboo harvested from managed farms renews in 5 to 7 years. You can’t say that for an oak tree.

Ceramic tile is also eco-friendly. Yes, it is mined but unlike carpet, ceramic lasts up to 50 years. So you enjoy many years of use when compared to carpeting or other textile floorings that must be continually replaced.

Orange County Flooring Contractor Knows Flooring

Talk to Inspired Remodels about your flooring needs. Inspired Remodels is the Orange County flooring contractor that matches your lifestyle and budget to the best flooring for your home.

Stop by the showroom, call (949) 716-1938, or Contact Us online.

From flooring to fixtures and finishes, Inspired Remodels is Orange County’s premier home remodeling company.

Psst – need a little inspiration? Check out the portfolio of Orange County flooring projects.