In an inspired remodel, the shower doubles as a showstopper. Get inspired for your bathroom update with a little Orange County shower remodel inspiration from Inspired Remodels. From shaking things up with tile shapes, textures, and patterns to elevating the shower spray, these Orange County shower remodels set the stage for functional and beautiful bathrooms.
Use Pattern In the Shower
Tile offers countless opportunities to accent color, texture, and design. But don’t forget, installation patterns provide another powerful design tool.
Herringbone patterns elevate humble, plain white subway tile when installed in a herringbone pattern. Herringbone brings all the drama of a chevron pattern without the extra labor to cut each tile at a 45° angle. You also use less tile.
Don’t forget the grout! Contrasting grout creates patterns between the tiles. The stark contrast between white tiles and black grout or black or gray tiles and white or brown grout creates visual interest.
Multiple Shower Heads = Twice as Nice
Get ready to crank up the power in your next shower singing performance with multiple shower heads.
A rainfall shower head provides gentle, sensual water spray while handheld heads double as microphones and allow you to target certain areas.
Use an additional pulsating spray on sore calves or the back while luxuriating under the soothing spray from the main shower head. Or use two large shower heads to convert your shower into a human carwash.
Handheld shower heads evolved considerably beyond the original shower massage. Today, adjustable-height shower heads move with ease on slide bars to deliver water exactly where you want it. Wall-mounted nozzles deliver invigorating spray.
Whether you shower solo or with a friend, don’t shower with only one shower head.
Accent Tiles Add Interest to Every Shower Remodel
Just as accent tiles breathe life into the kitchen backsplash, accent tiles bring color and life to every inspired Orange County shower remodel.
Accent tiles embellish niches, floors, and benches in the modern Orange County shower. Match with floor tiles, complement wall tiles, or use accent tiles to bring together disparate design elements in a cohesive look.
Benches make showers safer and more comfortable to use. Decorate them with accent tiles! This design takes the wall tile by the tub and repurposes it as an accent tile in the shower. Looks stunning.
Start an Inspired Orange County Shower Remodel![]()
Inspired Orange County shower remodels begin with Inspired Remodels. Bring your ideas to Joe and Jason Mueller, the Orange County brains and talent behind Inspired Remodels.
Use their design and build model to plan and execute a shower remodel that won’t make you crazy. With one point of contact from start to finish, you enjoy a smoother remodel and less disruption to your life.
Schedule a consultation online or call (949) 716-1938.