Granite has been a foundational finish in kitchen and bathroom remodeling since the late 1980’s. Once considered a must have material in any upscale project, not only has it gone mainstream; it’s heyday may be over. Nobody will argue that marble isn’t beautiful. But as many homeowners have learned over the years, it is maintenance intensive. Marble has also been proven to emit radon gas. That’s just a few of the reasons that materials that provide the same clean look are taking the place of marble.
Engineered Stone
When you hear the term “engineered stone” you may think of cultured marble or Corian. Those while those are both are engineered stone surfaces (“Corian” is actually a registered trademark of DuPont, not a real stone) they are not the only engineered stone materials made. The “quartz” countertops that are gaining popularity are actually engineered stone. Engineered quartz to be exact.
Engineered quartz is manufactured in a variety of colors and finishes. It is made by mixing ground quartz with polymers, resins and pigments. The resulting material is as strong as stone, but much easier to maintain. Because it is man made, the pigments are mixed equally making for a more consistent product.
You can use engineered quartz or any engineered stone product in your kitchen and bathroom remodeling project without worrying about matching slabs of stone. The look is consistent and seams are almost invisible.
It provides a hygienic surface because it is not porous. That’s important in a kitchen where food is prepared and bathrooms that are exposed to bodily fluids. Engineered stones are tough, stain and scratch resistant and available in a dizzying array of finishes.
Concrete Countertops
Just as stained concrete is gaining in popularity as a floor finish, stained concrete is a rising star for kitchen and bathroom counters. Concrete can be surfaced in any color or pattern you can imagine. There are concrete overlays that are indistinguishable from tile. All without the hassle of cleaning the grout.
Just look as this countertop.
Does this look like concrete to you? Of course not, but it is. The surface has been highly polished to give that shine. Pigments were added to the concrete so the color and finish is now an integral part of the construction.
Because it is concrete, it was easily formed into the circular shape. That’s not a design that is easy to bring to life working with granite or stone, but because concrete is poured and shaped, anything is possible.
Inspired Kitchen and Bathroom Remodeling from Inspired Remodels![Inspired Logo]()
Whether you want granite, engineered stone, concrete, tile or wood in your next project, Inspired Remodels can make it happen. We make your dream kitchen or bathroom a reality. Call (949) 625- 6820 today and schedule your consultation.